Refund policy

At Remoove LTD, we are dedicated to providing exceptional services to our clients. To ensure your satisfaction, we have established the following comprehensive refund policy:

1. 100% Money-Back Guarantee for Onboarding Failure

We offer a 100% money-back guarantee if we fail to onboard you. This means that if we completely fail to deliver any part of the service we are offering during the onboarding phase, you are entitled to a full refund of any payments made.

Definition of Onboarding Failure:

  • Onboarding failure is defined as our complete inability to commence or execute any part of the agreed service within the initial onboarding phase.

2. Partial Refund for Delivery Failures

If we fail to deliver the agreed services at any later stage after onboarding, we will provide a partial refund based on the proportion of services not delivered. The refund amount will be calculated based on the remaining undelivered services as per the detailed breakdown in our service agreement.

Calculation of Partial Refunds:

  • The total contract value will be divided by the number of service components or milestones.
  • Refunds will be issued based on the value of undelivered components or milestones.

3. Refund Request Process

To request a refund, please follow these steps:

  1. Contact Us: Send an email to with your order details, a description of the issue, and any relevant documentation, or request a refund via the designated WhatsApp group.
  2. Review: Our customer support team will review your request within 5-7 business days.
  3. Approval: If your request meets the refund criteria, we will process the refund within 10 business days using the same payment method originally used.

4. Exceptions and Exclusions

  • Third-Party Delays: Refunds will not be provided for delays or issues caused by third-party services or platforms not under our direct control.
  • Client Responsibilities: Refunds will not be issued for failures due to the client not providing necessary information, access, or cooperation required for service delivery.
  • Timeframe for Requests: Refund requests must be made within 30 days of the service failure or delivery issue.

5. Contract Agreement

All terms, conditions, and service details will be clearly stated in the contract agreement that is signed upon the start of the service.

6. Customer Support

For any questions or concerns regarding our refund policy, please contact our customer support team at We are committed to addressing your concerns promptly and ensuring your satisfaction.

7. Amendments to the Refund Policy

Remoove LTD reserves the right to amend this refund policy at any time. Any changes will be posted on our website, and it is your responsibility to review the policy periodically.

8. Legal Rights

This refund policy does not affect your statutory rights under applicable law.

Contact Information:

Thank you for choosing Remoove LTD. We value your business and are committed to providing you with the best possible service.